Sunny Sanitary Bin

Sanitary deodorizer


How it works

  • Disposable sanitary napkin, an open sanitary napkin with feet, do not use hand contact, do not use newsprint. Disposable packaging, reduce the cost of plastic bags, or use disposable sanitary napkins.
  • The liquid in the machine can be disinfected by the vapors that penetrate all the active sanitary napkins inside the machine. This prevents the spread of pathogens.
  • Eliminate problems and costs from toilet bowl clogging. Due to the disposal of used sanitary napkins in the bowl

Preventable pathogens

  • Bacteria: which causes various diseases. Problems such as diarrhea, diarrhea, bronchitis Gastrointestinal diseases, dermatitis
  • Viruses: the cause of respiratory disease And impaired immune system symptoms


  • 152 x 320 x 600 mm. (Width x Length x Height)
  • Made of POLYPROPYLENE plastic, durable, lightweight, easy to move. It’s a good size for the bathroom, it doesn’t waste space. It’s easy to use in beautiful shapes.
  • The lid has a slope to prevent cigarette laying on the machine, which can cause burns. There is a V-shaped open-closing lid, so you can’t see the tampons that have been left behind.

Package size

18 liters can hold about 60-70 pieces of sanitary napkins.